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    Stark is a java 2.5d graphics engine by Markus Persson.
    You need Java 2, Standard Edition version 1.4 or higher to run this applet.

    About the only thing Stark can display now are Doom levels, read straight from the WAD files. Almost all levels render perfectly in Stark, with the exception of the sky in Doom2 levels. (Stark is hardcoded to use "F_SKY1")
    This applet uses the WAD file from the (free) shareware version of Doom 1. It has been compressed as a .ZIP file for faster loading, and can be downloaded here.

Known bugs:

  • Sprites are implemented in the engine, but not included in the doom-rendering. This will be added.
  • Right now, Stark is very hardcoded at rendering Doom levels. This will be changed, so the Doom- rendering is a plugin to Stark.
  • Sound is coming. Honest.
  • "Lower unpegged" doesn't work properly.

The "DOOM1.WAD" file is copyright id software.
Everything else is copyright Markus Persson.
All rights reserved.